Genuine PDQ Products & Parts

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You can now also request quotes on recertified / remanufactured parts from PDQ! Simply visit our Recertified Parts Program page for more details, or make a note of your request when filling out the Parts Request Form.

If you have any questions regarding the products contained herein or our processes, please give us a call at 920-983-8333 or Toll Free at 1-800-227-3373. We look forward to hearing from you!

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This listing contains distributors that participate in our online sales program. For a complete listing of distributors, please visit our Find A Distributor page.


PDQ Products

Helping to Make Car Wash Operators Successful

PDQ has provided the car wash industry with cutting-edge technological advances in car wash equipment and car wash systems, including the first contouring arch and the Virtual Treadle.

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Drive Clean on the Road to Success

The Tandem Surfline provides your customers with an exceptional wash experience incorporating an overhead design that creates a wide-open, easy-to-use wash bay.

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Drive Clean on the Road to Success

The LaserWash® 360 Plus car wash system allows more opportunities to enhance your revenue stream with new service offerings and improve car wash package differentiation to better align with your customer's needs.

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Drive Clean on the Road to Success

Access is a powerful customer management system that offers complete site integration, marketing flexibility and multiple payment options.

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Drive Clean on the Road to Success

PDQ's MaxAir Drying Systems are a breakthrough in dryer performance. MaxAir dries vehicles better than ever, yet uses less energy than conventional dryers.

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