
See how the Integra™ can boost your site installation profit.

The Integra's™ multi-drop technology allows for a drastic reduction in the number of home runs needed to both tanks and dispensers in any installation, by allowing multiple sensors and leak-detection devices to be run back to the tank gauge on one wire.

The Benefits of Multi-drop:

  • Slash wiring, conduit and labor costs for your installations
  • Offer more competitive rates, while maintaining per-project profit
  • Decrease installation turnaround times

How much can you save with Integra™?

Our simple-to-use contractor cost calculator is designed to show you an estimation of the material, labor – and ultimately – money you can save during site installations by making the Integra™ your ATG of choice. Just follow the three steps below.

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OPW SiteSentinel® Integra™ Contractor Cost Calculator Savings Description